Carlos Morago

1 - 29 June 2024

Galerie Mokum presents a solo show by Carlos Morago. 


Painting in soft, cool tones, Morago captures empty and austere spaces with a serene and balanced sense of calm. His work explores the connection between nature, urban environments and humanity. He paints scenes depicting empty urban spaces showing traces of human presence. The abscene of people in his work creates the feeling of a silent world, one enriched with an enigmatic and ethereal atmosphere. 


Morago’s interest in interior and architectural spaces is predominant throughout his work. Spaces are often observed through half-open doors or windows, with rooms or views partly hidden. In doing this, Morago plays with the mood, adding suspense and mystery to each work. Nature additionally plays a large role in his work, often painting gardens or potted plants as his subjects. Overall, his compositions have a splendid harmony that evokes a profound sense of stillness. 

